Let the games begin…


A bit about me…

Hi I’m Kat & I’ve been a pro makeup artist for 15yrs. 

Makeup is in my veins, its like an itch I can never scratch – its something I must do… I chose to become a makeup artist from about the age of 4, when I became obsessed with the makeup worn by the girls at dad’s work – electric blue mascara (it was the 80s)…


I moved from a country town to the city to study makeup, no home, no friends and no real idea of the sort of job I might land – I just knew I wanted to do makeup…

So here we are some years later – my career has taken many turns from retail counters, to photo studios, tv commercials , to all sorts of locations and clients, back stage at parades and productions, to training, assessing and coordinating hundreds of makeup students… but besides all that, I still love nothing more than applying makeup to everyday clients’ faces &/or bodies, thats when I go to my “happy place”.


A blog begins…I was dubious and excited about starting a blog, ( i thought ‘is my head stuck so far up my own rear-end to think that others would want to read about what I have to say?’)…but here we are, I took the first step and started writing. 

Why blog?

Pro makeup artists don’t often talk candidly, or speak out about being an artist – it can be a busy, lonely, draining, behind the scenes, fulfilling and quirky existence we lead, so my voice and my stories are all about that: reflections, ponderings, confessions, anecdotes and experiences of being a pro Mua.


When I started talking to my mua mates about blogging, their ears pricked up and suddenly there was a deluge of ideas spewed forth! It seems plenty of Mua’s have blog ideas but not the time, or know how etc to go ahead and do it. So I will from time to time feature other artists and feature products because what’s an industry chat if products don’t come up, just a little?

Best. People.

My real reasons are intrinsic – like anybody who is self motivated I suppose? Call it selfish if you wish – but this is a journey of sorts, journeying back to the start, to when I was fresh and vibrant and full of energy for my future, my brand, my voice, my self. This blog is part of my new commitment to myself because I’ve invested myself heavily into the brands and business’ of others’, but now it’s time to invest time into my thing.

This is just the beginning…
